Кайл Маклахлен о Дэвиде Линче

"Твин Пикс" - таинственная реальность Дэвида Линча.

Кайл Маклахлен

Кайлу Маклахлену сейчас 42 года. Но выглядит он моложе. Что-то в его взгляде придает ему вид вечного подростка, но подростка спокойного, вдумчивого и организованного. "У меня есть тенденция все скрывать в себе, - объясняет он, - мои чувства направлены вовнутрь". Он улыбается, видя протянутый к нему диктофон, это напоминает ему "Твин Пикс" и его персонажа, сыгранного у Дэвида Линча. Мало кому из актеров удается установить с режиссером такие особые отношения, как это получилось у Кайла Маклахлена и Дэвида Линча. В течение 7 последних лет они сняли вместе 3 фильма и телесериал, их сотрудничество и хорошее знание друг друга напоминают творческие тандемы Трюффо - Лео и Скорсезе - Де Ниро. В глазах публики Кайл Маклахлан стал эталоном линчевского героя. Но иногда этот образ тяготит его, так как появляется желание разнообразить свою карьеру, снимаясь в фильмах различных жанров. Это позволило нам увидеть его в "The Hidden" ("Скрытый"), фантастическом триллере, который получил Гран При на Кинофестивале в Авориазе в 1988 году. Он только что завершил съемки в "Rich in Love" Брюса Бересфорда и работает сейчас в Праге над экранизацией шедевра Кафки "Процесс", осуществляемой Дэвидом Джонсом, где мы его и встретили.

Вспоминая "Твин Пикс", он рассказывал нам о Дэвиде Линче, с творчеством которого тесно связана его карьера. Свидетельство непосредственного участника событий.

Впервые я встретил Дэвида Линча в период работы над "Дюной". Я жил тогда в Сиэттле, обратившая на меня внимание директор по кастингу попросила приехать в Лос-Анджелес на встречу с ним. Мне много говорили о нем, и я видел его первый фильм, "Голова-ластик". Конечно, как и все, я ожидал встретить кого-то очень странного, очень эксцентричного. Но это оказалось не так. Естественно, Дэвид - эксцентричный человек, но это не основная черта его характера. Когда его встречаешь, больше всего поражает его способность создавать непринужденную обстановку, атмосферу комфорта. Все актеры, которых я знаю, кто работал с ним, говорили мне, что чувствовали то же самое.

Дэвид относится к другим людям очень тепло, с большим участием. Это помогает создать атмосферу, которая позволяет ему точно определить, кто перед ним находится. Поэтому Дэвид выбирает актеров на роли интуитивно: он не заставляет актеров читать сценарий, он не устраивает прослушивания. То, что его интересует, это понять личность актера, а не узнать, способен ли актер сыграть какую-то роль в той или иной манере. Мы очень хорошо понимали друг друга с самого начала. Он предложил мне первую роль в "Дюне", позднее - в "Голубом бархате". Каждый раз, когда я готовлюсь к работе с Дэвидом, будь то новый фильм или всего лишь новая сцена, я знаю, что это будет отличаться от всего того, что я смог себе представить, а также, что это будет еще лучше.

Находясь рядом с Дэвидом, постоянно удивляешься и чувствуешь себя счастливым просто от того, что существуешь. К настоящему моменту мы так много работали вместе, что достигли в наших отношениях очень большого взаимопонимания. В съемочный период у нас есть тенденция отделяться от остальной группы, чтобы обменяться точками зрения, комментариями. Это приводит к некоторым затруднениям, так как окружающие люди, технический персонал, другие актеры, в конце концов, начинают чувствовать себя как бы исключенными. Такого рода отношения основаны на уважении и взаимной поддержке, впрочем, другими они и не могли быть, так как ни он, ни я не можем работать в состоянии конфликта.

И все-таки я знаю, что наши отношения значительно изменились со времени "Дюны". Тогда во время съемок я был несколько растерян, полностью зависел от инструкций, советов. Я чувствовал себя совсем еще новичком в этом мире. Теперь же, немало поработав на деле с другими режиссерами, я чувствую себя определенно более готовым, более надежным. Фактически у меня есть чувство, что результат нашей работы действительно улучшается по прошествии времени.

Я думаю, что настоящей причиной пристального внимания людей с самого начала показа "Твин Пикс" было то, что его герои имели совершенно странные особенности. И, так как первые эпизоды давали лишь краткую характеристику каждому из любопытных жителей этого городка, зрители были очень заинтригованы и хотели смотреть следующие серии, чтобы узнать больше. Но я думаю, что, в конце концов, они испытывали потребность увидеть развитие конкретного сюжета, а не просто взаимоотношения между героями. В итоге им это надоело. С этой точки зрения я думаю, что действительно была причина снять художественный фильм, он может предложить то, что отсутствовало в сериале. Хронологически действие фильма происходит до событий телесериала. Он рассказывает о семи последних днях из жизни Лоры Палмер. Он будет намного более жестоким, в нем будут эротические сцены, в отличие от телесериала, так как в нем будет показано все то, о чем в сериале лишь упоминалось. Также фильм будет намного более мрачным. Мой герой, агент Купер, появляется лишь в половине фильма, так что я не принимал участие во всем съемочном периоде. Но из сценария я знаю, что он будет жестоким. Но до какой степени, этого я совершенно не представляю. Потому что рядом с Дэвидом ваша фантазия беспомощна. Невозможно предугадать, в какую сторону он способен пойти. Например, когда я прочитал сценарий "Голубого бархата", я знал, что фильм будет жестоким. Но я никогда не смог бы представить, каким эффектом будет обладать окончательный вариант.

Это правда, что к началу съемок "Твин Пикс: огонь, иди со мной" я отнюдь не был в восторге от того, что вновь буду играть роль агента Купера. Я не понимал, зачем мне повторяться. Но в итоге я согласился: сначала Дэвид меня просил, а затем мне самому понравилось вновь играть этого героя. Купер очень дисциплинированный, очень организованный, очень сосредоточенный, и я признаю, что эти его черты весьма похожи на мои собственные. Но у нас совершенно разное чувство юмора. У Купера юмор слишком условный, приземленный, в то время как я люблю шутки в стиле "Монти Пайтон" Я не думаю, что Купер оценил бы юмор "Монти Пайтон".

Герои, которых мне нравится играть, а именно поэтому Дэвид предлагает роли, которые мне соответствуют столь хорошо, это часто люди, связанные обязательствами, ради которых они живут, к которым очень серьезно относятся. Это люди, которые пытаются обрести новый опыт, выявить новые стороны своей личности. Это сложные люди, которых никогда не являются однозначно положительными или отрицательными. И часто, но я не могу вам сказать как или почему, ситуации, в которых они оказываются, имеют тенденцию становиться сюрреалистическими.

Разделяю ли я с Дэвидом его видение мира? Не знаю. Зато я знаю, что нас обоих интересует, привлекает темная сторона человеческой натуры. Эта тема постоянно присутствует во всех фильмах, снятых Дэвидом. "Голубой бархат" - это история молодого человека, увлеченность которого темной стороной становится чем-то неконтролируемым, как будто открывается ящик Пандоры. Агент Купер в "Твин Пикс", я думаю, также увлечен этим, но ему почти удается управлять своим интересом и даже пренебрегать им.

Это странно, но я вырос в городе, расположенном всего лишь в нескольких километрах от места, в котором мы снимали "Твин Пикс". Я провел там школьные годы. Но нет, я никогда не встречал столь странных обитателей, как в "Твин Пикс".

Studio Special Cannes, май 1992 года. Перевод с французского Lois.

Кайл Маклахлен о его работе в сериале "Секс и город"

(пока только на английском)

August 24, 2000

TheCity: Welcome to HBO's live chat with Sex and the City guest star Kyle MacLachlan. Kyle plays Trey, Charlotte's fiancй. Here's your chance to get the inside story! To ask Kyle a question, enter it in the submit bar at the top of the page. Kyle, thanks for joining us!
Kyle MacLachlan: Thank you, and it's great to be here, I'm looking forward to speaking with as many people as possible tonight, so let's get started!
Jdidier: I came across a new travel web site, tripology.com, and saw that you are going to be featured next week. So, where are Trey and Charlotte going on their honeymoon? Have they even slept together yet?
Kyle MacLachlan: We go to the Bahamas for our honeymoon, and play a lot of golf, and we haven't slept together yet, I think that may be happening this week.
Frederick: Would you (Kyle) ever consider doing another sci-fi film like "Dune" in the future? By the way, "Blue Velvet"-Excellent movie!
Kyle MacLachlan: Well, thanks for liking "Blue Velvet". I have a small part in a movie for HBO that we finished in April, "X-Change", that is a sci-fi style, and that should be coming out fairly soon.
Marty3: Hello, Kyle, do you have a short-term role or will you eventually become a frequent actor on the show?
Kyle MacLachlan: That's still up for discussion. I finish out this season, but the writers reserve the decision as to whether I will be back for the next season, which they begin filming in March of 2001.
Final: Is it hard being around such beautiful and talented actresses such as Sarah Jessica Parker?
Kyle MacLachlan: It's actually a pleasure to work with four very talented women. I obviously--maybe it's not so obvious, but I work primarily with Kristin Davis, but all are extremely talented, and very, very intelligent.
ColbysFriendPaul: Are the rumors true you are considering a part as mutant in the X-men sequel?
Kyle MacLachlan: I haven't heard that one! But it sounds interesting.
Marty3: Hello Kyle, Do you prefer to work in TV or in movies?
Kyle MacLachlan: Both are exciting. Television moves a bit quicker. And, the turnaround time from work to being able to see it is faster. Beyond that, they are about the same.
Rubbernecking: What was your favorite subject in high school?
Kyle MacLachlan: I didn't have very many. But I was heavily involved in the music department at my high school. My favorite subject usually corresponded with my favorite teacher. So whichever ones, they could have been teaching Latin, but if I liked the teaching, it made the learning more enjoyable. I sang in the music department, and did some music theory.
Kellmeister: I think that you are doing a great job on the show and I've been a fan of yours for a long time, but what I want to know is, who is your muse? Thanks a bunch.
Kyle MacLachlan: Who is my muse? Well, I don't know if I have a "muse" per se, my current girlfriend is pretty Muse-esque. People, I have favorite performances, from different actors and actresses. But, there is no one in particular that I follow. I like Harrison Ford.
Marty3: Hello Kyle, describe what it's like appearing on "Sex and the City"?
Kyle MacLachlan: Well, it has been a pleasure for me. I think, because I enjoy being in New York City so much. It has made it all the better. The writing on the show is, I think, first rate. And, I think if that's part of what makes the show work--and it certainly does in "Sex and the City"--it certainly makes the job of an actor much easier, and much more fun.
Alma7: I think you are cute.
Kyle MacLachlan: Well, thank you!
BethEzda: Which role was more challenging? "Twin Peaks" or SATC?
Kyle MacLachlan: I think "Twin Peaks" was challenging because it was more of a character, "Sex and the City" is more like a real person. And on "Twin Peaks" it was more my show, and "Sex and the City" is more about the girls, so there is less pressure on me.
Marty3: Hello Kyle, describe what actors and actresses you've most enjoyed working with in your acting career up to this point?
Kyle MacLachlan: I actually had the good fortune to work with some wonderful people; most, if not all, of whom were a pleasure to work with. I did a movie with Ethan Hawke, "Hamlet", it came out last March, but I really enjoyed working with Ethan. I also recently worked on a movie called "Time Code" and became friends with two very funny men, Steven Webber, and Julian Sands. Working with Kristin Davis has been one of the great joys for me.
Martinha: Do you enjoy playing Trey, being a role so different from the ones you have played?
Kyle MacLachlan: I do. One of my particular career challenges has been moving from rather eccentric roles to roles that are a little more.acceptable, I guess. And, Trey is a step in that direction.
Alma7: How old are you?
Kyle MacLachlan: I'm 41.
Marty3: Hello Kyle, what makes a great "actor" or "actress" in your opinion?
Kyle MacLachlan: I think a couple of things. I think certain things that are visible in front of the camera, and certain things that the audience can see, like accessibility of emotions, concentration, and from behind the camera, generosity, and a certain amount of selflessness--which is not easy to come by, because it can be scary to sort of put the material first, as opposed to the performance first.
BethEzda: Kyle- What are you wearing?
Kyle MacLachlan: Clothes!
Valerie: "Time Code" was such an unusual and interesting film. What was it like shooting a movie in real time and how did you like working with Mike Figgis?
Kyle MacLachlan: Mike is a pleasure to work with; he encourages the creative spirit. And, working for 90 minutes without a cut or a break in front of the camera was challenging, to say the least. It was like nothing I had ever done before. And, I think it was fairly well done, I would say.
Daisy: What is your favorite part about the show?
Kyle MacLachlan: I think the quality of the writing, and going to work was a pleasure, because the people were great fun to be with.
Marty3: Hello Kyle, how has the cast of "Sex and the City" treated you on the set?
Kyle MacLachlan: Oh, very well. I felt like I was immediately welcomed, and they made room for me very quickly. Made me feel at home.
Desirae: What was your favorite thing about working on the movie "Showgirls?"
Kyle MacLachlan: Well, "Showgirls" was a character that was different from anything I had done before. The movie was disappointing, in the final result. I surely didn't set out to make a camp classic, but that's what happened.
HB: Kyle, do you like the character you play?
Kyle MacLachlan: I do. Although, the most interesting thing about the character to me is the nature of the conflict, because it, and this is without giving anything away, is dysfunctional in nature; and they have a bittersweet way of dealing with the problem.
Marty3: Hello Kyle, will you be appearing in any other TV shows or movies in the future?
Kyle MacLachlan: I have a very small blink-and-you'll-miss-it role as a favor to Michael Rymer, who has directed a movie called "Perfume," loosely based around the fashion world; and then, in the aforementioned HBO sci-fi drama "X-Change". And I'm really hoping to find something great for television this year.
DHPsnumber1fan: How did it feel working with Dennis Hopper in "Blue Velvet?" How did you keep a straight face in his scenes? He was so funny!
Kyle MacLachlan: He was very funny! I think Dennis had a great time doing that.
DHPsnumber1fan: How has working on "Sex and the City" impacted your life? br< Kyle MacLachlan: Only in a positive way. I've met and made friends with some new people, got to work in NYC--my favorite city in the world--and had a chance to play a character that's not from another planet.
Tintedviolet: Do you prefer acting on television or in movies?
Kyle MacLachlan: I would hopefully be able to do both. But it has more to do with the quality of the material, than the medium.
Belvedere: Did you enjoy working with David Lynch in the past on "Twin Peaks" /"Blue Velvet?" What is he like to work with?
Kyle MacLachlan: David is one of the great directors I've ever worked with. He has such a love for filmmaking, that it's completely contagious. He's one of the few directors working that I would consider an auteur. And I'm very proud to have been in the films that he's directed.
Tintedviolet: What one character do you wish you could have played? (Movies/TV)
Kyle MacLachlan: I always liked the "Raiders of the Lost Ark". I still want to be Indiana Jones.
Eden: Hi, Kyle. What is your take on Trey becoming suddenly submissive once his arm is patted?
Kyle MacLachlan: I think it's a knee-jerk reaction to years of subtle manipulation by his mother. I also think it's probably just a lot easier to give in.
Hera: What is it like being a man on a show that looks at relationships from a woman's perspective?
Kyle MacLachlan: Interesting.I get to learn along with everybody else what makes the opposite sex tick.
Michael: Can you describe in your own words what working with this great ensemble cast is like?
Kyle MacLachlan: Well, we laugh a lot. We get to do outrageous things on television, because it's cable. We get to shoot in a great city, on location. I get to work with the beautiful Kristin Davis. It's like the best job in the world.
Babelfish: Kyle, it is great to get a chance to speak with you, I have been a fan ever since the TP days, I am curious how you met David Lynch and what your first impression was?
Kyle MacLachlan: Oh yeah, I met David in 1983 in Los Angeles for the role of Paul, and we seemed to hit it off right away. He's from the Northwest, I'm from the Northwest, and we have similar childhood stories. He's an exceptional human being.
Akane: Are you going to work with David Lynch in near future?
Kyle MacLachlan: I'm not sure. He is working on something now, I don't know if I'll be in that or not.
Vbun5: Why aren't you at the wrap party tonight?
Kyle MacLachlan: Because I am in Los Angeles! Actually, a good friend of mine, Patrick Stewart, is getting married tomorrow in Los Angeles, so I'm here to cheer him on.
Biscotti1: Can you dance?
Kyle MacLachlan: Well, I can move around the floor, but I don't know if I'd call that dancing!
Heather: Which talk shows will you be appearing on soon?
Kyle MacLachlan: I just finished doing my talk show circuit, I was on Jay Leno on Friday night, and Craig Kilborn last night.
Desirae: Who are a few of your favorite actors, or actresses?
Kyle MacLachlan: Let's see.I think I mentioned Ethan Hawke.I like Patrick Stewart very much. My favorites tend to be my friends. I think that, probably because I'm on the show, but I think all four girls on "Sex and the City" are all very good. It's a challenge to do what they do week after week and keep it fresh. I like Mike Myers; he's very funny.
Marty3: Hello, Kyle, are you surprised that the cable networks, in recent years, have received many Emmy Award nominations compared to the major broadcast networks?
Kyle MacLachlan: Yes, I'm not sure what it says for the quality of one versus the other, but I know that cable allows a wider range of topics, and language, and nudity. I think the people are a little more interested in perhaps that side of things. Working on network television, by nature of the fact that it's network, has tremendous number of restrictions and expectations, because you have to serve not only your audience, but also the advertisers. And cable can really serve the creator, of the show. It doesn't pay as well as network, but the rewards are different.
Tish: Hi there, Kyle! You say New York is your favorite city; do you live there all the time? Why do you like it so much?
Kyle MacLachlan: I don't live there all the time. I like the pulse of the city. I like not having to drive. You can get the best of everything in New York. The level of stimulation, artistic stimulation, is extremely high.
Heather: What area of New York is the show filmed?
Kyle MacLachlan: We work at Silver Cup Studios, which is in Long Island City, just across the water from Manhattan, or on location all over the city.
Tintedviolet: In such a big city as New York, are you instantly recognized on the street? If so, how do you feel about it and react to it?
Kyle MacLachlan: I get recognized a fair amount. It's actually fun to be recognized, it means people are watching. It's not a city where people spend a lot of time going crazy if they see you, because there is so much to see all the time. It's usually just an acknowledged wave, or an "I like the show" and then they move on to the next thing.
Cc498: If you weren't acting what would be your career choice?
Kyle MacLachlan: I'd be a travel writer!
Biscotti1: Hi Kyle - I once saw you called the "thinking woman's heartthrob" and I entirely agree! What do you think of that?
Kyle MacLachlan: I thought that was David Duchovny! Thank you.
DHPsnumber1fan: Why is Trey such a mama's boy?
Kyle MacLachlan: He was born that way! If your mother was Frances, who wouldn't be?
Bob110: Was there any formal discussion of you joining the "X-files" cast as Mulder's replacement? Do a sort of 'reactivation' of Agent Cooper.
Kyle MacLachlan: No formal discussions about that. I think perhaps the Cooper/Lynch "Twin Peaks" identity may have been too strong for the "X-Files." I understand they have a very talented actor who will step in--I don't think into Duchovny's shoes, but into a role of some type. Robert Patrick is his name.
Cc498: You mentioned early your interest in music.any plans to pursue your musical interests in the future?
Kyle MacLachlan: No specific plans. I do it mainly as a hobby. It keeps me sane.
Mstress: You are such an amazing and versatile actor. Where would you like to see your career going in the future? What types of roles are you most interested in pursuing?
Kyle MacLachlan: Well thank you for your confidence. I think that I'd like to just continue to do what I've always done, focus on working with good directors, and try to choose interesting roles. You know, I would love to be more of a contributor in, for instance, writing or directing, but I don't know if I have either a) the discipline or b) the vision to really make a difference, but that's something that's of interest to me somewhere down the line.
Tintedviolet: Do you have any desire to work behind the camera, as a director?
Kyle MacLachlan: Someday, someday!
MirandaLou: Is anyone else in your family a performer? And do you do anything artistic apart from acting?
Kyle MacLachlan: Well, you can say both my brothers are performers! My youngest brother was an actor for a very short period of time, he actually moved to Los Angeles and had a tiny role in the movie "Dragnet" with Tom Hanks and decided it wasn't for him and moved back to Seattle, and is now a stockbroker, which is, to a degree, performing. My other brother was, for a long time, in a rock and roll band, a heavy metal band, which didn't pan out. He now works for Starbucks in Los Angeles. They are both still performers, though. My parents were in the arts, and encouraged us, but they were not professionals. I like to do landscaping!
Katy: Hello Kyle, Have you ever felt "hounded" by the press? I hope not!
Kyle MacLachlan: No, I've been able to fly under the radar of the press for the most part.
AgentRosenfeld: Is it true you once played with the Oregon Shakespearean Festival? What Shakespearean roles have you played prior to your recent role in the "Hamlet" film?
Kyle MacLachlan: Yes, I worked at Ashland, in 1982. I did Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet" among other roles. And prior to "Hamlet" only scene work, although I have a desire to play Iago in "Othello", hopefully in the near future.
Saxon: Were you adversely psychologically affected by your trips to the dark lodge as Agent Cooper in "Twin Peaks?"
Kyle MacLachlan: I think I was positively psychologically affected by my trips to the dark lodge. But I couldn't tell you how.
Cgc: Are any of "the girls" like their characters out in the real world?
Kyle MacLachlan: I think the characters of the girls on the show are very small pieces of the real girls, that they enjoy having fun with. But I don't think that they are a major part of each of the girls.
Akane: What made you getting into acting?
Kyle MacLachlan: It's the only thing that I was any good at in college! I was not a good student. And I really enjoyed it.
DaleCoopersCoffee: Does everybody in New York really drink Cosmopolitans all the time?
Kyle MacLachlan: It seems to be the drink of choice at the moment. I don't drink them; I'm a wine or margarita drinker.
AgentRosenfeld: Do you ever find yourself saying "alrighty" in real life? (You got me started!)
Kyle MacLachlan: All the time! It's the phrase of the Millennium!
Tomsf: You seem very particular about the roles you play.what was the clincher that made you want to do City?
Kyle MacLachlan: The journey the character goes on is not an easy one. That always seems to appeal to me.
Marty3: Hello, Kyle, which movie directors would you like to work with in the future?
Kyle MacLachlan: There are so many! Martin Scorsese would be a dream. I would like to work with Oliver Stone again. John Woo, Ridley Scott, John Waters, the list seems never ending.
Barnaby: As a guy who watches "Sex and the City," I could use some help. Do you have any tips to share on meeting the opposite sex?
Kyle MacLachlan: Stop watching "Sex and the City" and go out!
Daisy: What have you learned while working on the show?
Kyle MacLachlan: Well, one thing that's been confirmed to me is that good writers mean good shows. And it's possible to do a show, like "Sex and the City" and have a wonderful time, and laugh a lot while filming.
Akane: Are you one of the people who watched "Survivor" yesterday?
Kyle MacLachlan: I haven't seen a single episode of "Survivor". I figure I'm doing okay just to get through a day in LA.
Sweetness: Kyle! What do you enjoy the most about your life and why?
Kyle MacLachlan: Oh, many things. I'm doing something I love, and making a living. I have an extraordinary woman as a girlfriend. Three incredible dogs I have two Labradors and a Jack Russell Terrier; a lovely home in LA; and a healthy family. I'm a pretty lucky guy.
Katy: Hello, Kyle. What book is on your bedside table right now?
Kyle MacLachlan: I'm usually reading three or four books at the same time. Right now, because I have a new dog, it's "The Monks Of New Skeet; The Art of Raising a Puppy". I also have issues of "Wine Enthusiast" and "Food and Wine" magazines. As well as a book about Bobby Kennedy called "Brothers and Sons."
Bessi: Kyle, do you have a website for your fans?
Kyle MacLachlan: I'm trying to get my name back. So someday.
Patty: What would be your best advice to break into acting, female, 40?
Kyle MacLachlan: That's probably the toughest age to start acting. But, having said that, you never know. I don't have any advice to offer other than send out some headshots, and if you have the look that people like, then you're on your way. But other than that, it's a very difficult time for a woman to be hired. Very difficult.
TheCity: Thanks for chatting with us tonight, Kyle. Do you have any last thoughts for us?
Kyle MacLachlan: It's been a pleasure talking with everyone. Thank you for the variety of questions. It's nice to know that people still remember "Twin Peaks" and some of the earlier work I've done. I hope people will continue to be interested in what I do.
TheCity: Thanks for participating in our live chat with Kyle MacLachlan. It's been fabulous! For more "Sex and the City" fun, visit the official website at www.hbo.com/city.

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